
Outcomes…whatever the liability, whatever the setting

Insurers, self-insureds, brokers, and other risk carriers call on BBW Lawyers to defend, minimise and resolve liability claims throughout Australia.

A successful track record in defending public, personal injury, and product liability claims has been earned by the team across a multiplicity of settings including:

  • coverage disputes between insurers and insureds
  • catastrophic injuries and losses
  • multi-claimant matters
  • industry specific risks
  • routine ‘slip and trip’ claims
  • labour hire
  • high profile claims subject to media scrutiny
  • general product liability and product recalls
  • motor accident claims
  • identifying and pursuing recoveries
  • building and construction disputes.

Our clients and referrers know when enlisting BBW, a liability claim won’t merely be ‘put through the process’. Unlike many other insurance lawyers, BBW is set apart by our dynamic long-term working relationships with our clients.

Our team maintains these positive, collaborative relationships by keeping insureds, brokers, and insurers informed of emerging issues, risks, and developments throughout the life of a claim.

BBW Lawyers ensures every action focuses on getting the right resolution at the earliest opportunity, balanced against the (sometimes divergent) objectives of each stakeholder.

Importantly we understand how to communicate and advocate for the varying interests of insurers, insureds, and brokers, and work in partnership with all three to conclude claims. Make contact and get BBW Lawyers in your corner

Make contact and get BBW Lawyers in your corner